Funeral Notice
ZEITZ, Dorothy Elizabeth
The family and friends of the late MRS DOROTHY ELIZABETH ZEITZ are advised that her Funeral Service will be conducted in its entirety in St. Theodores Anglican Church, 46 Prescott Terrace, Toorak Gardens, on Wednesday, February 19, at 2:30 pm.
Live streaming will be available for this service. Please visit the Alfred James website for details.
Unley: 8272 8555
Accredited Member A.F.D.A.
Death Notice
ZEITZ, Dorothy Elizabeth
Passed away peacefully
on 3rd February, 2025.
Aged 88 years.
Loving Mum of Susan,
David and Annie,
and Chris and Kathryn.
Cherished Grandy of
James and Alex, and Emma.
Now at peace.
Reunited with
family and friends.